I’m 3-faced, and so are u

The Japanese say we have three faces, one we show the world, one we show our close friends/family and one even we do not see.

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What about the one we put up online?

Online, people might be manipulating their real selves to befit their situation. For example, a business person may try to seem more professional and legitimate in order to achieve the acceptance of other businesses and end up successful.


Despite either hatred or absolute adoration of the series, Gossip girl’s deep message and true purpose became collateral damage to all the unnecessary drama that the show deemed necessary to tell. It was narrated eventually, that Daniel Humphrey, the so-called Gossip Girl, used his ‘messages’ to drag him – a socially awkward ‘Lonely Boy,’ into the very centre of the social circle via writing himself into the Upper East Side. In simpler words, he wrote stories about himself alongside the other characters to make them connected and him, fit in.

This shows just how far people would go just to feel like they belong.

Now, Instagram ‘aesthetics,’ are they also relevant to the problems with Online Personas?

I’d say yes because I personally have two instagram accounts – a public one with, what I’d say “high” for a simple girl like me, over 1,000’s followers and a strict aesthetic (that I change far too often because it’s too difficult to maintain) and a private one with a lower number – my close friends/family and the most random and hideous photos.

I created whiterosies to post my poems and proses, but one day I think I became somewhat obsessed (don’t we all at some point) with trying to be a better version of myself – who I now realise, wasn’t me at all. In this change, I gained a lot of interest and I felt somewhat important, but my collateral damage was the poems I lost – something very important to me. I tried to track them down, but I lost more than I found.

So I want to remind my readers, if you’re creating an Online Persona, don’t make the mistake of putting your popularity above what truly matters.


Gossip Girl



[A/N: a.k.a me on @s.faldy vs me on @whiterosies]

the fruit or the robot????


Why are people choosing Android, why are people choosing iPhone? Or even, Windows?

Because we all differentiate in who we are and what we want.

Some of us find comfort in familiarity and being part of the main stream – and these people are most likely to desire an iPhone, because of it’s simplicity. iPhone’s are more familiar with people and most know how to use it, and even with the yearly release of iPhones every year, there is very little change. The operating system remains unalterable and has one has to apply for the apps and be approved.

“An iPhone is a controlled experience.”

Additionally the iPod is a one of the most used music devices but even then, they can only download music via iTunes. To own all basic apple devices (iPad, iPhone, iPod, Macbook/iMac) also mean simple access as they can transfer most things between all devices painlessly.

But android is such an open-cultured technology that almost anybody can manipulate what shape or story that their android takes. Commonly, especially in asian countries, applications can be downloaded on the internet and the format of the device can even be modified via LEGAL applications.

I am, surprisingly, one person that is an equal lover of both devices, as I find strengths and weaknesses in both Apple and Android.

What about you?


#trnsmd: harry POT TE R


The concept of transmedia is a highly valued for a successfully selling and world-appreciated content. It is best used to ask a question, triggering curiosity, and letting the audience’s reaction toward it maintain it’s momentum via multiple platforms.

Fan and story-followers have a lot of free time as they wait for the release of the official new movie or finish one, and so, they let the story take it’s life on it’s own through fan fictions; consume other fan’s stories; communicate as a ‘tribe.’

Additionally, the marketing campaigns may chose to release video games, teasers from a character’s P.O.V or similar, to maintain the piquing interest of their viewers.

Harry Potter, for example, hadn’t ended with the last movie (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2) as consumers started to quite literally make a world out of it. Soon, viewers could feel the sensation of being in Hogwarts and readers would delve deeper into a character.

Video games, Android/Apple apps and lego? Fanfiction focusing on a side character, on the aftermath or the story of Lily and James Potter?

Transmedia retold the story of Harry Potter with more than just Harry.

[for the fans: fan fiction links -> 1  2 ]


HARRY POTTER QUIZTIME: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GGFXSWX



Most people already know that Copyright is an author’s hold on their work and their capacity to control how it is used – so anyone who intends on using it must request permission.

But they do not know, that it has so far been held for a maximum of thirty two years before it goes into the ‘public domain.’


They all know that Disney owns a majority of the media content.

But, the majority also does not know, that Mickey Mouse was a side character of Steamboat Willie (while still a Disney production, was an alternated version of Steamboat Bill Jr. by Keaton and Reisner), before being a very widespread and iconic figure – Mickey, himself.

The most creative era of history is the time before it was impossible to find a loophole from the problem that is copyright.

What is an artist, if not able to explore? The boundary of copyright is only limiting.

Instead of wondering if copyright is either the fail or the success of creative media, we should be questioning how much and how far it should control.


remix culture (ft. middle)

I’ve made a very broad post regarding ‘plagiarism,’ with music tracks as a highlight of controversial plagiarism and the concept of possible “accidental similarity.”

This is another discussable topic. Something that diminishes the accusations of plagiarism are new content being distributed and altered from old content – song remixes. The prime artist remains the manufacturer but the consumer can then become a producer through the revamped track.

Originally (before the revolution of media), an artist would only be able to raise toward fame through a company who endorses their music and publicises a record label. However, now that YouTube and SoundCloud have progressively ameliorated, we can publish our creations by our own means. Additionally, anyone has access to the software and is adequate of creating such product. As the users have open ability to comment and be part of the judging community of feedback, the self-pursuing artists may attain prominence their own way.

Every year, we see a continuous and substantial number of remix artists – a new era. It is, however, highly competitive. To acquire the best form of recognition, an artist has to create a product that echoes well and in order to be legitimized, it needs to be culturally admissible.

Middle – DJ Snake (ft. Bipolar Sunshine) remixes:

[A/N: To be honest, the original will forever be my favourite. Although, Wildfellaz drop at 1:18 is ultimately the death of me and Mija’s is ridiculously nice.]

My attempt at a remix (with help, of course as I cannot remix to save a life):



[A/N: a podcast blog for those who are tired of reading so much xx]

We’ve conceded that the new boundless approach to the media world gives us the competence to obtain and create content, therefore giving us instantaneous access to knowledge. We can also decide where we reap our information from and who is going to consume our teachings.

“The Web makes it more likely that the people who have such knowledge will find their way to you.”

Universally, we are feeding the web with more and more information; all the distinctive approaches and perspectives on any one topic. The diversity and scale of this Web results also in disparate ideas from all kinds of backgrounds. The web is a helpful procedure in resolving complex issues through harnessing collective intelligence from clusters of people.

But we’re not the only ones getting more adept and perceptive, the Web is too.

sshot500e64187fd0e.jpgLooking at the gradual burgeoning intelligence of the Web, it won’t be long before the Internet can predict our next moves before we do. In twenty years time or more, we can expect the predictability of the Web to become immensely powerful and… precise. We will reach an era where there will be a sufficiently monumental amount of content streaming the universe from all kinds of people, and the Web will have learnt it all. This gives the Web an understanding of what someone wants from previous searches, therefore guiding to guide us to the discovery of the future true answers/results we seek when we request them.

Soon enough, the Web will know us better than we know ourselves!!


Old media relied on single-handedly providing someone with a product that’s content which was strongly controlled by the producers (99% with truth and the intention to provide quality service). Newspapers, books, radio and television all had relied on a certain ‘professional’ company or person to be pulling the strings and are provided with resources, filter and control.

The revolution of legacy media to an ‘open access’ media was a dire need to answer the question of improvement; to see a forward reaction. So people commenced the seek to find something immediate and ubiquitous.


They found the internet.

Why should we have to watch movies on tv, read on newspapers and see images in magazines? Why should we do that when we can do this in one medium – the internet?

However, this revolution had consequences.

Such as the gradual death of old media. It’s progressive aptitude for content to be replicated into Google lead citizens to be unwilling to pay for their content, causing newspaper outlets and publishers to begin going bankrupt.

A resolution to such a problematic conundrum is to understand that Google and other Internet websites (Wikipedia) is additionally in seek for writers, directors and hosts to present their information.

Simple to say, the internet is an idyllic change that is unstoppable and inevitable.


Is it real? Or is it a copy?

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(©4:48pm 24 March 2017 @whiterosie_s: https://twitter.com/whiterosie_s/status/845150030440808449)

The integration of digital technology into our everyday lives resulted in that very fine line between producer and consumer being a very grey area; as a consumer can be a producer through the aid of alienating the original product and thus claiming it as theirs.

The greed of humanity may have overthrown the genuinity and honesty of the online world so as a consequence, we never know if something is original. Everyone wants to participate. A person’s original aesthetic/art can light up an onlooker interest and the onlooker may warp it to “make a better version,” and then showcase their new artform but is this stealing?

The positive side to this is possible accidental similarity.

An example of something that can be debatable are songs; there’s been a few occurrences in which a newly released song may remind someone of an older song they’ve heard. The reaction of the audience is natural suspicion toward the artist and the artists may receive hate but do they deserve it? Did they really copy it?


Check out these two song comparisons on youtube:

Did they really plagiarise or is the idea just similar?

Have we been alive long enough that we’ve maxed out humanity’s potential for original ideas?


The way we send our message is the real message?

The medium is the message; is a very hard statement to understand without asking around or researching. Firstly, we acknowledge that something is a message, but what is the meaning of the word medium?

Medium = the means in which a message is sent.

Social media has become an powerful aspect of modernity; becoming pinnacle to the concept of communicating our messages but if it’s not done properly, the message can lose it’s meaning. Sending an “I love you” text is never going to be as special as saying it in person.

In another approach, the medium impacts the message so vastly that the audience of the medium should be considered before the message is sent. Tumblr, for example, is mostly used by teenagers as a site where they can showcase images, gifs and stories, but a post regarding serious news would never get as much attention as it would if posted in a formal news website.


Digital Artefact

Oh lord, what even is a “digital artefact”?


“An object made by a human being, typically one of culutral or historical content.” – Google. Well I guess it’s a digital version of it.

Now in terms of how I’m going to make my online presence and what I’m going to do, my real question is – do I showcase something I’m passionate about or something that I’m talented at?

What interests me?

  • I enjoy learning languages – fluent in a few, and wide vocabulary on others.
  • My biggest and most memorable passion is short stories and simple poetry.
  • I enjoy taking photographs of food, people and places.
  • I’m all for travelling – first class or backpacking.
  • Coffee, all those kinds; to make or drink it.

Would it be okay to join up a few concepts together and create it? So this way I can have a wider range to explore and more than just one certain topic to focus on, but yet still remain logically structured and carefully planned?

What about our lives? Are they worth being documented?

Okay so I’m thinking photographs. (Although I’m not certain I’m going to be able to stick to still photos and end up making some videos too.)

I’m thinking adventure.

I’m thinking people, real people.

I’m thinking these people’s stories.

Okay I think I’ve got it. I’m going to make my digital artefact based on a series of people around me. Everyone has stories, right? I’m going to capture the people and I’m going to write down a very important part of them – a hobby, a memory, a trait?

I’m thinking people at their most rarest and truest form.


I will be seen photographing people and documenting their lives in excerpt form.

Settings for photographs:

  • White background
  • They will be wearing a white shirt
  • Hopefully, no make up
  • Natural hair
  • Natural smile

Well, that got me really excited to begin.

This is my plan for my digital artefact and to the you that is reading this right now? You come contact me, you let me take a photo of you and you tell me about what makes you, you!

Watch me take over the world (‾-ƪ‾).